Jordana Nicholson Takeover

This October we changed up the scenery a bit and handed over the reigns of the Coclico Instagram account to Nashville resident, Instagram-darling, and stylist Jordana Claudia Nicholson. Jordana spent five days documenting her personal curation of our collection and selling us on the beauties of the city she calls home. We recently caught up with Jordana for a recap of our week in her shoes... or maybe that should be 'her week in our shoes.' [caption id="attachment_5089" align="aligncenter" width="599"]
The butterscotch latte at @steadfastcoffee and everything in that pastry case of theirs .[/caption] [read_more] on NASHVILLE My favorite thing is the mix of city and southern charm. Nashville is growing and expanding SO quickly. I love that you easily escape though and head 20 minutes out of town to drive through the countryside. It's so peaceful and the rolling hills are beautiful. [caption id="attachment_5087" align="aligncenter" width="536"]
The rolling hills of beautiful Tennessee.[/caption] The food scene is also amazing! Nashville is quickly getting recognized as a destination with must-try eats. There is a new restaurant popping up almost weekly and it's so hard to choose where to go! Definitely a foodie's dream. [caption id="attachment_5108" align="aligncenter" width="476"]
@dozenbakerynashville never fails.[/caption] on UNIFORM My go-to outfit is a really comfortable pair of jeans, a chunky knit sweater, good leather booties or sneakers. I love wearing jumpsuits and dresses but for the most part, I love easy and effortless pieces. [caption id="attachment_5086" align="aligncenter" width="479"]
Sharing snaps of my favorites from the FW15 collection and showing you a bit of the city I currently call home.[/caption] can't live WITHOUT My favorite lip balm (I seriously apply it 20 times a day) and my little black book of notes! I know that's two things, but I keep my life organized in that notebook! her go-to COCLICO The PEROV wedge booties! I love that wedges are making a comeback and I've never received so many compliments on a pair of boots. I love wearing these with a black midi skirt/dress and chunky knit sweater. I'm all about layering this season. [caption id="attachment_5092" align="aligncenter" width="415"]
Hands down, favorite fall booties! The wedge is making a comeback and I love it.[/caption] on SLOW FASHION I really love that the slow fashion movement is becoming more and more recognized in North America. I think it's so important to know where your clothing is coming from and who's making it. I've been making an effort to purchase sustainably made clothing & footwear, weeding out my closet little by little. Becoming aware of the whole process - from design through production is so important. Plus, you notice such huge difference in quality. The sweater that was made locally and that you paid a little more for is going to last WAY longer than the cheaply made sweater from a store in the mall. The slow fashion industry is also really booming in Nashville - there are so many brands that are doing it right here - from Imogene & Willie Denim to Nisolo's jewelry line and Jamie and the Jones' hand dyed garments. It's been so cool to see these local businesses grow. [caption id="attachment_5085" align="aligncenter" width="598"]
The daily uniform - comfort and style.[/caption] on STYLE My icon of the moment is Gigi Hadid! - the girl is not only effortlessly beautiful but she always looks so comfortable, chic and cool. Which I love. She rocks a basic tee and sneakers like it's her job. [read_more] [caption id="attachment_5088" align="aligncenter" width="598"]
Every closet should have a good pair of pointy heels - The JUL being my favorite[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5090" align="aligncenter" width="532"]
A little Sunday exploring around the city. The Nashville Public Library is one of my favorite places.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5091" align="aligncenter" width="534"]
Pick of the day. But so hard to choose! Which would you pick?[/caption] Click here to shop Jordana's selection. Thank you, Jordana, for spending the week with us, we had a great time!