C.Keller Takeover

This past New York Fashion Week Colleen Keller relauched her womenswear label Babe as C.Keller. Still the same brand of relaxed modernism, the tailored separates took on a new level of sophistication under the eponymous name -- the kind of clothes that go great with a Coclico slide. After an around-the-clock prep week and demanding presentation day, Keller left for a much deserved trip to Grand Cayman in the Caribbean last week for some r&r. With her favorite pairs of Coclico shoes in tow, she took over our Instagram to document the trip. See below for her full story.

Good morning from Grand Cayman - off to snorkel #inhershoes #takeover
Walk on the beach / the RUSH sandal #inhershoes #takeover

Grocery store run #grandcayman #inhershoes #takeover

Still Life: the GENESIS #grandcayman #inhershoes #takeover

Last day in paradise with these guys #inhershoes #takeover

#essentials...until next time Grand Cayman. New York, are you warm yet? #inhershoes #takeover