C.Keller Takeover

C.Keller Takeover
Avia Coclico
This past New York Fashion Week Colleen Keller relauched her womenswear label Babe as C.Keller. Still the same brand of relaxed modernism, the tailored separates took on a new level of sophistication under the eponymous name -- the kind of clothes that go great with a Coclico slide. After an around-the-clock prep week and demanding presentation day, Keller left for a much deserved trip to Grand Cayman in the Caribbean last week for some r&r. With her favorite pairs of Coclico shoes in tow, she took over our Instagram to document the trip. See below for her full story.  water

Good morning from Grand Cayman - off to snorkel #inhershoes #takeover

[read_more] rush

Walk on the beach / the RUSH sandal #inhershoes #takeover


Grocery store run #grandcayman #inhershoes #takeover


Still Life: the GENESIS #grandcayman #inhershoes #takeover


Last day in paradise with these guys #inhershoes #takeover


#essentials...until next time Grand Cayman. New York, are you warm yet? #inhershoes #takeover

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